
Mastering industrial
branding & marketing

Our Story
Discovering our purpose and passion

We began 20 years ago as a digital marketing agency. Working across many sectors, our clients included the likes of Ryanair, Aviva, Sage, and Renault. In 2010 our founder, Ed Field, began speaking at events for the Irish governmental agency Enterprise Ireland. This exposure resulted in us working with some of Ireland’s most innovative industrial, technical and engineering-based companies. A group full of potential but often constrained by weak branding and limited marketing. Empowering them with world-class branding, communications, and marketing became our singular passion and purpose. Today, we continue with our B2B focus, helping companies, large and small, to strengthen and accelerate their international growth.

Marketing for the makers

Company The Makers Placeholder

"For 20 years I've worked with innovators who make the materials, components, and technologies that make the world work. Our passion and purpose is to help them better understand their unique value, communicate that, and connect with customers globally.”

Ed Field, Founder & Head of Strategy, Maverick

An established, multi-disciplinary team  

We are a successful marriage of strategists, planners, designers, writers, web engineers and marketeers with the capability to deliver from strategy through to complete execution. 

Company Leadership Ed

Ed Field

Founder & Head of Strategy

Leads initial client engagement, strategy work and brand development. Oversees implementation and contributes to ongoing developments.

Company Leadership Sharon

Sharon Tighe

Director of Marketing

Leads our market engagement thinking and our highly talented team of campaign managers, producers, analysts and advertising specialists.

Company Leadership Andy

Andrew Warner

Creative Director

Artist, master of brand development, and accomplished digital architect and designer. Andy leads all aspects of our design work and oversees our team of wonderful designers.

Company Leadership Dan

Dan Devine

Technical Director

A master technical architect and builder. Dan steers all our technological developments and leads our team of brilliant web engineers.

Company Breaker 1
Our Beliefs

We believe in...

We strive for elegant simplicity in all we produce – clear thinking reflected in strategies, plans, designs, messaging and code.
We are grateful for our talents and the opportunity to do good work. We strive to allow collaboration and creativity to flow untainted and unconstrained by ego.
We value the grit and determination it takes to overcome obstacles, produce the work, and deliver on a promise.
All perspectives.
We value everyone’s perspective, each shining a light for their own unique position, helping to illuminate the truth and clarity we seek.
The long road.
We are comfortable with, and committed to, the long road, the good road. Knowledge, great work, and strong relationships take time.
Work-life balance.
We strive to start on time, work with full attention, and finish on time. With just a few exceptions when merited. Life and work in balance.

“We are seeking to build a great, enduring company. An organisation of the highest integrity and efficacy that does an outstanding job of serving clients, enabling employees and contributing to its communities.” 

Ed Field, Founder & Head of Strategy, Maverick
Careers At Maverick

Join the Mavericks

We’re an independent, diverse, close team with a passion for great work. Join us?  



Empower your organisation with world-class positioning, marketing and branding.

A highly structured, tried-and-tested programme that will drive transformational change in your branding, communications and marketing. This unique, B2B Marketing programme, has been born of, and honed by, 20 years of focused exploration and practice. In this comprehensive PDF we outline the programme in detail, including the stages, tasks, roles, responsibilities, dependencies and outputs. 


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